History of the
Fort Sumter Civil War Round Table
In July 2018
several people gathered at Society Hall on Meeting Street to discuss the
need for a new Civil War round table to serve the greater
Charleston area. The group met regularly
over the following weeks to organize the round table.
By February 2019, the plans
were near complete, and the Fort Sumter Civil War Round Table
held its first general meeting in Daniel Library on the campus
of The Citadel. Over eighty people interested in the war met to
hear the distinguished Civil War historian Gordon Rhea speak on
the Overland Campaign of 1864. With that meeting, the group also
established a unique relationship with the college as all
members of the student population would be able to attend round
table events at no cost.
A few months later, the round
table was fully organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization. The founding Directors and Officers were President
James A. Morgan, First Vice President Richard T. Dorval, Second
Vice President Richard W. Hatcher III, Secretary Kyle S. Sinisi,
and Treasurer J. Brett Bennett.

Board of Directors
Jim Morgan, President
Rick Hatcher, First Vice President
Cliff Roberts, Second Vice President
Kyle Sinisi, Secretary
Cain Griffin, Treasurer
Ed Forte, At Large
Paul Hedden, At Large

William Stuart Morgan III,