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The Fort Sumter Civil War Round Table meets the second Monday of every month except for July and August. The round table gathers at Capers Hall auditorium on The Citadel campus. Please see the map of the campus. After hours visitor parking is available nearby in Kovats Field (which is paved) and in all areas labelled either visitor of decal parking. We open the doors at 6 PM for social gathering.  Proceedings with guest speakers commence at 6:30 PM. 


Map of The Citadel




Future Speakers and Meetings
Date Presenter Program
February 10 Vic Vignola The Battle of Seven Pines:  McClellan Finds a Scapegoat
February 28 - March FIELD TRIP Averasboro, Bentonville, Wyse Fork Battlefields and CSS Neuse
March 10 Hampton Newsome TBA
April 14 Jim Anderson Andrew's Raiders
May 12 The Second Annual Roberts Foundation Book Prize and Coat & Tie Banquet Details TBA
June 9 Emily Lapisardi Rose Greenhow
June 9 Emily Lapisardi Rose Greenhow
September 8 TBA TBA
October 13 Harry Smeltzer Marines at First Bull Run

Previous Speakers and Meetings
Date Presenter Program
January 8 Vic Vignola Contrasts in Command:  The Battle of  Seven Pines, May 31, 1862
February 12 Richard M. McMurray, Ph.D. The Civil  Wars of Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, CSA
March 11 Col. Wade Sokolosky Palmetto Boys in the Old North State during the 1865 Carolinas Campaign
April 8 Dr. Kyle Sinisi Lincoln's Forgotten General, a Life of Samuel R. Curtis
May 10   Fort Sumter CWRT Presents 2023 Robert's Foundation Award!
June 10 Dr. Terry Breckenbaugh Pragamatic Abolitionists and Unruly Guerillas:  The White River Campaign in Arkansas, 1862
September 9 Ted Savas Handshakes, Gambling, and Gunpowder:  How George W. Rains and Jefferson Davis Changed the Course of the Civil War
October 14 W. Clifford Roberts, Jr., and Matthew A.M. Locke Holding Castle Pinckney at the Bridle:  The History of Castle Pinckney from 1811 through the Civil War to the Present Day.
November 11 Brad Quinlan The Journal of Lothrop Baker, the Acting Master of the USS Powhatan during and after the Civil War
December 9 Rick Hatcher The Life of Major Robert Anderson
Date Presenter Program
January 9 Vic Vignola The Battle of Richmond,  May 31-June 1, 1862
February 13 Roger Cosbey  The Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy Trials
March 13 Harry Smeltzer 69th NY
April 10 Will Greene   Petersburg     
May 8 Ernest Dollar Hearts Torn Asunder:  Trauma in the Civil War's Final Campain in North Carolina
June 12 Mike Somerville Insightful or Indifferent?:  The Civil War and the British Army
September 11 Dr. Russell Horres "An Affair of Honor at Fort Sumter"
October 9 John Banks Castle Pinckney
November 13 Col. Ron Meyer, USAF (Ret.) Battery Pringle
December 11 Stephen M. "Sam" Hood Patriots Twice:  Former Confederates and the Building of America After the Civil War
Date Presenter Program
February 2022 Bert Dunkerly    The Peninsula and Seven Days: A Widening War 
March 2022   Herb Schiller  Siege and Reduction of Fort Pulaski 
April 2022  Steve Sodergren Union Soldiers and Trench Warfare
May 2022 Chuck Ross Blockade Running
June 2022 Gary Dyson Issac Smith
September 12 Steven Woodworth Grant, Beauregard, and Albert Sidney Johnston: Styles of Command at Shiloh
October 10    Kevin Dougherty The Port Royal Experiment
November 14           James Scott      Special Event: Firebombing of Tokyo
December 12 Rich Condon   “The Year of Jubilee Has Come” - Military Emancipation and the Birth of the 1st and 2nd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiments
Date Presenter Program
August Bill Piston      Marmaduke Raid   
September Rick Hatcher  Wilson's Creek  
October Mary Hatcher & Jean Hutchinson War and Wardrobe, A Southern Woman's Perspective


Kevin Pawlak       Lee's Defensive Strategy at Sharpsburg
December   Gordon Rhea  Stephen Swails